Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just Can't Help Myself

Murphy is finally getting bigger (10 pounds)and growing into his outfits that I've been waiting for him to wear. I love hats! He has pretty blonde hair, but I love hats on him for some reason. Probably because it's the only accessory available for boys. Girls have some many options of bows, jewerly and waaay cute clothes - but boys sort of get stuck with plain outfits - so I have to spruce him up with a hat every so often. Now that he's in these outfits that I love so much I can't help but take his picture. This is already getting out of hand - but I don't care - it's so much fun. We spent most of Wed before Thanksgiving doing Murphy's 3 month session. He's not 3 mo yet, but I am trying to get something together for a Christmas card. I'm sure I'll take more in a couple weeks when he's actually 3 months. I realize that I put his pics on the site a lot, but there again, I can't help myself. I want everyone to see my sweet baby! Forgive me : )
Thanks Misti for helping with the pics of our family.

Check out more of Murphy's pics on the website - his password is murphy.

We've been really busy here, just trying to get orders in for Christmas and such. We will be taking a break from Dec 22- Jan 5 for the holidays. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Good luck shopping and fighting the crowds. I think I'm going to be doing a lot of online shopping this year - baby and shopping just don't mix right now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Long time No Blog....

8 weeks old here

Ok let's see if I can remember what's been going on the last few weeks...

First of all - my computer has a virus! So the past 2 days I haven't been able to work on anything. My photo shop was disabled along with several other programs. My pictures are all backed up, but it's taking a while to get the software back. What a headache! I know so many of you are waiting on your proofs. I promise one of these days things will get back to normal. New baby, new schedule, and computer problems can really set you back!

Murphy is doing well. He's slowly growing - he's really long and skinny. Just like my brother was when he was little. I've been nursing and supplementing with formula - which is not what I intended to do, but he wasn't gaining as much weight as he needed to. Has anyone else had this problem? Also when we switched to formula he started having trouble going poop and is still struggling with that - does anyone have any suggestions? We've switched formula several times, tried the Karo syrup, warm baths, suppositories , you name it we've tried it! I'll take any suggestions.

Other than that little problem we are doing great. Trying to get back into the swing of things at work - that's been hard, but I'm making progress. I'm blessed that my mom and husband are able to help to keep him so we don't have to worry about daycare expenses. I'm also blessed to work from home and be able to look in on him as much as I want.

We've had lots of visitors and have enjoyed everyone meeting our precious little boy. He's been to church about 5 times - the first church visit was to my grandfathers church where he preaches - Colbert Heights Church of Christ - I thought it was appropriate for his first sermon to come from his great grandfather. I hope we can go hear him more!

We had a fun halloween - Jason was supposed to dress as a firefighter and Murphy was his companion as a dalmation. However, we were doing good just getting Murphy dressed. We made the rounds visiting family and getting pics with everyone. Then after Halloween - Nov 1st was our 5 year anniversary so made a trip to Nashville to the Opryland Hotel - we took Murphy too. It was great to get out of town - however taking a baby on an overnight trip is a lot of work as most of you already know. It takes a lot to keep such a small person happy - stoller, diapers, bottles, clothes, bibs, bags, blankets and all the other stuff for entertaining.

So life has totally changed - it now takes an hour to do something that used to take 10 minutes, I require very little sleep, and I am able to warm a bottle, hold a baby and talk on the phone all at the same time. It's amazing how you just know how to do stuff for your child - the motherly instinct just kicks right in. It's the best thing ever! I love being a mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything. He's our joy and makes everyday special.

Professionally - back to work and trying to get orders and sessions completed. We are not doing christmas sessions this year, but we will next year. It's too much to take that on right now. Hope you will all understand. Right now I am booked through the end of year and taking appointments for January 2009.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wow....has it been 4 weeks!

I can't believe how the time has gone by - we aren't sleeping a lot, but other than that all is well. I am lovin being a mom - the hardest best job ever! I love Murphy Alan so much and he is the joy of our life. Most days are spent feeding and changing and trying to get a nap. I was going to post more, but baby needs me.... more later.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Updates on Murphy Alan....

This has been one of the best times of my life. I can't believe that tomorrow has been one week since he came into this world.

Ok so here's how it all happened. On Friday the 12th I started having contractions about 10 or 12 minutes apart. Not bad ones, just enough to make me uncomfortable. These continued through Saturday and by Sunday morning at 3 am I was tired of going through this at home. I talked to my doctor and he said to come in and we would get things going. Well they got going in a hurry. We got to the hospital around 7 am Sunday morning and by 2:27 we had a little boy! It was really fast. Thank goodness for epidurals!!
He weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 inches long. He has the most beautiful head of blonde hair - it's so soft! I can't keep my hands off him - I could just stare at him all day. Feedings are going well - we started nursing an hour after he was born and he latched right on. I feel so lucky to be able to provide his nourishment. It's wonderful to bond with your baby this way.

We had lots of visitors Sunday night - mostly family and some close friends. We came home on Tues afternoon and have been here just hanging out. He's sleeping a lot, but when he's awake he's so alert and just looks around. He's a great baby and let's us sleep most of the time. We usually have to wake him up for feedings.
There are some pics online - go to proofs and enter password: murphy
Also if you get on facebook I have posted pics there as well.

That's all for now - I'm sure I will have lots to say in the next few weeks.

Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



Born Sept 14th at 2:27 p.m.

6 pounds 2 ounces

19 inches

MORE PICS LATER - these were taken with my cell camera - this was the fastest way to get them online for now.

Thursday, September 4, 2008



I went to the doctor yesterday and things are progressing. As of right now I will have a baby by the 22nd of this month. I am so excited, but it's hard to be patient. There's a lot on my plate right now with work and getting ready for this new life. I have a full week of appointments of next week and then I am going to try to get orders out and proofs done before we go to the hospital.

Here's what I need from you - my wonderful clients. I need your patience. I don't know how I'm going to get all this done in two weeks, but I'm going to try. However, if I don't get to your proofs or orders before Murphy gets here I am asking that you please be patient till the end of October or beginning of November to get them.

Misti will be in the studio one or two days a week checking messages and mail for anything that may come in. So you may get a call from her. If you email an order it may not be checked for a while.

Most of you are moms so I know you will understand. Thanks for your patience.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Here are some pics from our materity session....
Thanks Jason for being a good sport and thanks Misti for helping take the pics.
View all images at - Enter site, click on proofs and enter password: jenmaternity

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ok so here's your chance to get in on some great deals! I am cleaning out the house and studio to make room for the new baby. I'll just say "I'm old school" when it comes to yard sales. I want to sell everything which means I sell cheap. I have several studio props that I am selling - chairs, ottomans, benches, etc. I am also selling clothes and home decor items.

PLEASE COME TO MY YARD SALE. It will be at our house - right next to the studio!


Monday, August 25, 2008

What was I thinking????

Ok this past weekend was absolutely exhausting. I worked on my feet all day Saturday at Mars Hill doing their senior formal pictures. Everything went just fine but I was so tired when I was done. Then on Sunday after church I photographed Show Choir students at Mars Hill for the program. I know I was getting tired because everything little thing bothered me - parents kept taking pics while I was and it was messing up my lights - so I know of one time that I had to raise my voice to them. Sorry! I'm just pregnant and hormonal and tired. When I got home last night around 5 I just sat down and cried. I hope this is normal....haha.

Anyway that was my weekend.

I was looking at my schedule over the next few weeks and I don't have a break except for the weekends. I am trying to decide what to do to alleviate some of the stress I'm feeling. I might be calling some of you to reschedule or postpone your appointment to later. I am just getting to the point where I can 't do this anymore. My body aches and I'm not sleeping at night. If I call ya just please be understanding. It's mostly my fault for thinking I could keep up my regular busy schedule up until the baby arrives....WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!

PROOFS - I know some of you are wondering why your proofs aren't posted yet. Misti (my assistant) was out of town for 10 days which left me doing her jobs and just put me behind. She's back now and we are trying to get caught up. Hopefully by the end of this week we will be back on track of getting those out in a timely manner
Hope you all have a nice week!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Takin Care of Business...

The one bad thing about being a photographer - it's hard to get someone else to take your picture! The blog pic is taken in our bedroom mirror with a cell phone camera.... hahaha.

Just some info I wanted to pass along....

I am now 34 weeks pregnant and it's getting harder and harder for me to take pics. Getting up and down off the floor is not easy and my back is really starting to hurt.... I need a massage! Anyway with that said I am no longer taking any more appointments. I am pretty booked right now anyway until mid September. If you are currently on the baby plan and need an appointment for a 6, 9, or 12 month session call IMMEDIATELY.

Thank you for being patient as well. I hope to be caught up as much as possible by the time Murphy Alan gets here so I won't have as much to do when coming back to work. I will be off the whole month of October with the exception of few appointments at the end of that month.

These next few weeks are going to be crazy - I think I'm getting the symptoms of nesting. We've had 2 showers and our friends have been so generous! I have a lot of organizing to do and just little details to wrap up here and there. I'll keep you all posted as much as possible!

Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and words of support and encouragement!


This is Murphy Alan's room after our shower at Sherrod Ave Church of Christ.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Soon to be Daddy

Thanks J!

My husband Jason and I are really getting excited about the birth of our son. We can't believe that we only have about 2 months left then all of a sudden we'll be parents. I am so blessed that Jason will be off work for a few weeks to help me with Murphy. We've been together over 6 years so it will be change going from just us to a family, but we welcome it with open arms. Jason has been working extra hard the last few months and I really appreciate all he does for us. Being pregnant is hardest of course on the mom, but I know daddys to be have a lot on their plates as well. Jason you rock and I could not go through this with out you! I love you!

Update: I'm 31 weeks and all is well. Murphy Alan is very active and has hiccups a lot!

Pic taken of me and Jason at my cousins wedding in May - sweet!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hot Mama...

No More Outdoor....

Well I knew it was going to happen. It's supposed to reach 101 today - wow that's hot, especially for a pregnant woman. Normally this time of year I cancel appointments when it's this hot just because I worry about the client sweating throughout the entire session. However, this year I have someone else to think about as well - baby Tidwell. I went to my doctor yesterday and everything is going just fine, but we are concerned about me being out in the heat. So as of today I am not scheduling anymore outdoor sessions. If you already have an outdoor session scheduled I will keep you on the book and if something should come up we may have to reschedule, but for now I am trying to keep those appointments. I'm only going to get bigger and it's probably not going to cool off any time soon. So it's in my best interest to stop pushing myself to do the outdoor sessions. Thank you for being understanding during my pregnancy. So many of you have called and asked about me and I really appreciate your concern. I will try to keep you posted as we count down to delivery day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby "Bump" in the Road

Hey Everyone -

Just wanted to update everyone on my pregnancy. Last week (Thursday) my blood pressure became very low and I had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. Apparently I passed out and became unresponsive for about 15 minutes. It scared us all, but I'm ok now. I was admitted to Crestwood on Friday in Huntsville and several tests were run on my heart. Thank goodness all is well with me and the baby. He was fine the whole time - it was me they worried about. It was determined that I was severely dehydrated, had a sinus infection and my blood pressure bottomed out. So I am trying to drink more and rest. I've just been doing to much I guess - so I need to slow down.

Other than that episode everything else is fine. Just got to be better about hydrating myself and resting when I can. I'm sure most of you moms understand. I plan to get back to work on Wed. and see how that goes. Please be patient with me as I am trying to get caught up from being out for almost 6 days now. Call me if you have questions about orders or proofs. Hopefully I can get back on schedule by next week.

Thanks for your prayers

Friday, June 20, 2008


Greetings from a refreshed photographer!

My family and I got a chance to get out of town and head south to Destin for a few days last week. We had a great time and of course I couldn't resist getting some pictures while we were there. My dad and my assistant Misti (also my brother's girlfriend) were able to get some maternity shots of me. I realize it's a little early to be making these pics, but I couldn't pass up the beach scene with my belly. Here are some shots of us. We attempted a jumping picture....haha! I had the camera set up on a tripod and we were trying to time it just right to jump. It didn't work quite as well as I hoped, but still fun!
Pregnancy Update: I am 26 weeks and feeling great. We are working on the nursery and getting the house ready for a little one. My doc says everything is moving along like normal. We have decided to call him Murphy Alan - Murphy(my maiden name) and Alan (in memory of Jason's dad) so it's a mix of our families. I love it! I will keep you all posted on my progress.

Monday, June 2, 2008


A good friend of mine, Rebecca, had a neat idea for a picture. She took the name letters off the wall and brought them to the studio. I photographed each letter individually with each child in hopes of coming up with a really neat collage that spells out their name. Thanks Rebecca for the great idea and hopefully this will spark some imagination for future clients.
I love these kids, they are always so much fun and keep us on our toes!

Click on collage samples below to see larger image.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Katy and Chris's Wedding

Just wanted to share my fun weekend with everyone and posts some pics of the great time. My cousin Katy got married on Saturday to a wonderful guy we all love. They are a special couple and I was thrilled to be part of the day. We had a bridesmaid luncheon on Friday then rehearsal that night and then of course the wedding was Saturday. Lots of family and friends were there to support them and they had a beautiful day.

My husband Jason and I were in the wedding so I did not photograph this wedding. I did her bridal portrait and I took a few shots here and there at the wedding and other events. I wanted to enjoy the day and not be worried about pictures. A photography friend of mine, Alyson Clemons, shot the wedding. She's from Huntsville and did a great job - she's almost 5 months pregnant with twin girls (thanks Alyson!) The pictures should be posted in a few weeks - this is her website: check her out sometime.

Katy and Chris,
We enjoyed your day so much and it was an honor to stand with you and witness this blessed occasion. Have fun on your honeymoon and we will see yall soon!

Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Practicing their first dance