Friday, June 20, 2008


Greetings from a refreshed photographer!

My family and I got a chance to get out of town and head south to Destin for a few days last week. We had a great time and of course I couldn't resist getting some pictures while we were there. My dad and my assistant Misti (also my brother's girlfriend) were able to get some maternity shots of me. I realize it's a little early to be making these pics, but I couldn't pass up the beach scene with my belly. Here are some shots of us. We attempted a jumping picture....haha! I had the camera set up on a tripod and we were trying to time it just right to jump. It didn't work quite as well as I hoped, but still fun!
Pregnancy Update: I am 26 weeks and feeling great. We are working on the nursery and getting the house ready for a little one. My doc says everything is moving along like normal. We have decided to call him Murphy Alan - Murphy(my maiden name) and Alan (in memory of Jason's dad) so it's a mix of our families. I love it! I will keep you all posted on my progress.