Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby "Bump" in the Road

Hey Everyone -

Just wanted to update everyone on my pregnancy. Last week (Thursday) my blood pressure became very low and I had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. Apparently I passed out and became unresponsive for about 15 minutes. It scared us all, but I'm ok now. I was admitted to Crestwood on Friday in Huntsville and several tests were run on my heart. Thank goodness all is well with me and the baby. He was fine the whole time - it was me they worried about. It was determined that I was severely dehydrated, had a sinus infection and my blood pressure bottomed out. So I am trying to drink more and rest. I've just been doing to much I guess - so I need to slow down.

Other than that episode everything else is fine. Just got to be better about hydrating myself and resting when I can. I'm sure most of you moms understand. I plan to get back to work on Wed. and see how that goes. Please be patient with me as I am trying to get caught up from being out for almost 6 days now. Call me if you have questions about orders or proofs. Hopefully I can get back on schedule by next week.

Thanks for your prayers