I went to the doctor yesterday and things are progressing. As of right now I will have a baby by the 22nd of this month. I am so excited, but it's hard to be patient. There's a lot on my plate right now with work and getting ready for this new life. I have a full week of appointments of next week and then I am going to try to get orders out and proofs done before we go to the hospital.
Here's what I need from you - my wonderful clients. I need your patience. I don't know how I'm going to get all this done in two weeks, but I'm going to try. However, if I don't get to your proofs or orders before Murphy gets here I am asking that you please be patient till the end of October or beginning of November to get them.
Misti will be in the studio one or two days a week checking messages and mail for anything that may come in. So you may get a call from her. If you email an order it may not be checked for a while.
Most of you are moms so I know you will understand. Thanks for your patience.