Saturday, September 20, 2008

Updates on Murphy Alan....

This has been one of the best times of my life. I can't believe that tomorrow has been one week since he came into this world.

Ok so here's how it all happened. On Friday the 12th I started having contractions about 10 or 12 minutes apart. Not bad ones, just enough to make me uncomfortable. These continued through Saturday and by Sunday morning at 3 am I was tired of going through this at home. I talked to my doctor and he said to come in and we would get things going. Well they got going in a hurry. We got to the hospital around 7 am Sunday morning and by 2:27 we had a little boy! It was really fast. Thank goodness for epidurals!!
He weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 inches long. He has the most beautiful head of blonde hair - it's so soft! I can't keep my hands off him - I could just stare at him all day. Feedings are going well - we started nursing an hour after he was born and he latched right on. I feel so lucky to be able to provide his nourishment. It's wonderful to bond with your baby this way.

We had lots of visitors Sunday night - mostly family and some close friends. We came home on Tues afternoon and have been here just hanging out. He's sleeping a lot, but when he's awake he's so alert and just looks around. He's a great baby and let's us sleep most of the time. We usually have to wake him up for feedings.
There are some pics online - go to proofs and enter password: murphy
Also if you get on facebook I have posted pics there as well.

That's all for now - I'm sure I will have lots to say in the next few weeks.

Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes.