Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Proud Friend

I just wanted to blog on this so I wouldn't forget when it happened and how I felt:

Wow - Whoo Hooo! Josh Willingham hit two grand slams last night in one game! That's rarely done - he's actually the 13th player to have ever done this in baseball history. Ginger and Josh are good friends of mine. We went to Mars Hill, Ginger and I graduated together, and have lots of memories from our days there. They brought Rhett here to the studio for his first year pictures. I am so proud of them and all their accomplishments. Ginger especially amazes me. She lives away from her family and friends Feb - Sept with few visits home. She's also a great mom to Rhett. I admire her strength to move from here to there and go and do all that she does. Sometimes the players get a lot of recognition (and they should) but I know that Josh would agree that Ginger deserves a pat on the back too! I know with Jason just being gone for a few months and not having a husband around all the time is very exhausting. It must be hard with Josh on the road all the time. They've also had a hard summer - Jon Willingham, Josh's younger brother was killed in a car accident in June. I went to the funeral and I was so moved by all the words spoken about Jon. His family will never be the same. But we honor Jon by "doing the next right thing" and by "having joy." The Willingham's are a great example of praising God in the storm. I pray for them.

Denise, Jon, and Josh looking at pics of newborn Rhett
Uncle Jon with Rhett

Rhett at 6 months old.
As for our family, we are just counting down till Jason comes homes. Probably about 6 weeks left. He's been gone now for 3 months and we are really missing him around here. I can't wait till he gets home - I get butterflies just thinking about him getting back and seeing Murphy. He's just going to be amazed at all the things he's doing - taking some steps with my help, definitely crawling and into everything. He loves his class at church and enjoys any music. He dances or jumps when songs come on. He loves the playing with the blinds, cabinets and drawers. We shouldn't have bought any toys. Molly is learning to like him and Murphy just wants to pet her as long as she doesn't bark. He blinks his eyes everytime she barks.