We are counting down the days till Jason comes home... less than 3 weeks away now. I can't wait to see his face and I really can't wait to see his reaction to Murphy. I know he is so ready to hold his son in his arms! I can't even imagine being away from my baby this long. I can hardly stand being away a few hours.
We are planning a family party for Jason coming home and for Murphy's first birthday. It will be a busy time, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Our family has done so much while Jason has been gone. I feel we need to have a thank you party too.
The last few weeks have been fun - we've been to Birmingham to see Laura Beth, Katy and Chris. I also met up with my old Auburn roommate Melissa and took pics of her new baby girl. We stayed at Ross Bridge (which is fabulous) and took pics there. Hotel rooms make great pics!
We went to the river shack one day and I rode my brothers wave runner...that was so much fun. I needed that - freedom on the water! Felt good to just ride away and let wind blow through my hair.
Other than that we've just been hanging out and working. Murphy is doing so much he actually took some steps on his own yesterday - about 5 or 6 with out falling. He's gonna be running before I know it! He likes to read his books, taps on each page and talks about each picture. He's been rolling a green ball around and chasing it all over the house. It's amazing how much he is doing now. He's such a good baby.... he naps well, eats well, plays well and is friendly with everyone.
I've got a lot to get done in the next few weeks...first birthday and daddy coming home are all big deals! My baby is almost a year old....can't even believe it.
Here are some updated shots of him:
Here he is playing in the hotel room at Ross Bridge.
Playing in the yard on a sunny day...