Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's not me...

Ok, so apparently in the newspaper today there was a 29 yr old Jennifer Lynn Tidwell of Waterloo, Al charged with endangerment of her child -something about drugs... not sure. Anyway, THAT'S NOT ME. I'm sure most of you know me better than that. However her name and age are almost exact of mine. My full name is Jennifer Lynn Murphy Tidwell... and I'm 28 and I live in Killen. So, I just wanted to clear the air.

Murphy is doing great. He is 10 months old today! WOW! He's pulling up on things, a little cautious though. He's still army crawling everywhere, and boy can he get places fast. I know as soon as he walks he will run. I've been wanting to get in shape, so I think I'm about to get my chance. He has two teeth on the bottom and is saying mama and dada and some other funny sounds that I just don't know what to call them. He's the best thing and a joy in my life. Jason is missing him so much. We talk a good bit and are able to use webcams about 2 times a week. We are half way through the deployment now so I feel like I can sort of start the countdown.

We had a wonderful July 4th in Tennesse at my uncle Paul's lake house. The have an awesome house on Tims Ford Lake. Beautiful! Lots of boating, swimming and eating... and very little sleeping, but that what it's all about. We have around 25 people there each year - 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms... always makes for an interesting time. Our family looks forward to this every year. This year wasn't the same with out Jason. He loves the 4th more than anyone I know. I'm so proud of him for serving our country and sacrificing his time away from family and friends.