Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well it's been quite a year. Murphy has done so much this year from sitting up, to standing, to walking and now running. He still loves wheels and books. We just watched "Cars" the other night and he actually watched it and loves it. He's getting lots of toys and books for Christmas. I am excited to see him open packages this year. I hope he gets excited about the gifts.

Also this year we made it through another deployment. Thank goodness Jason is home safe and we are all back together. I was a single parent for 5 months and that's no fun at all. I really had a lot of help from family and friends... they made it so much easier for me and Murphy.

We had a great first birthday and welcome home party for Jason.

We had a fun Halloween with Murphy as a lion

and Thanksgiving was great too. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family!

Please keep our troops in your prayers, especially this time of year.

We are looking forward to a wonderful holiday season. Taking some much needed time off! Thank you to my wonderful clients for making this a year so great!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Quick update

Been a busy girl these days. I am blessed by so many wonderful clients!
Our family is doing well. Murphy is of course into everything. He loves being outside, looking at books and reading with us, he loves watching wonder pets and yo gabba gabba (weird show but he likes it) and he really loves doing " down, set, hut" with Jason and tackling him.

Jason and my mom have been lifesavers - they have had to watch him a lot for me lately since this is the busy time for the studio. Christmas sessions, fall sessions, seniors and orders are taking up all my time. I can't complain though.We are planning to take a long break during Christmas! I am just trying to stay above water right now.

We had a great Halloween - Murphy was a lion, I was a tiger ( Auburn tiger) and Jason was "the Bear" as in Paul Bear Bryant. I thought that was clever of us!

If I don't get back to this by Christmas I just wanted to wish you all a wonderful holiday season! All we want for Christmas is to be healthy and happy with our family. We have not forgotten the troops either - may they be safe and return home very soon!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Christmas Card Designs and Order Process

Please Read the Information about Cards and Ordering.
Christmas Card Prices and Packages
All CARDS come with Envelopes
Deadline to place CARD Orders is November 30th!
Deadline for Regular prints is December 4th

Each card design has a name, please specifythe card you want by it’s name.Once you have placed the order we will send you a proof of the card through your slideshow or email.
Please proof the card and let us know any changes.

1. Choose Card Type:
5x7 Linen Cards Front and Back Design:
Front side choose one pose and custom wording
back of card can have up to 3 images/poses
Set of 24: $75 Set of 48: $125
Set of 72: $175 Set of 96: $225
5x7 Matte Photo Paper
One Side CardsOne image/pose only and custom wording
25 -75 count $1.75 each
75-150 count $1.50 each
more than 150 count $1.25 each
Prints in Bulk (same pose)
25 or more 4x6 $1.15 each
25 or more 5x7 $1.30 each

Christmas Special: $225
Includes: 2-8x10, 3-5x7,16 wallets and Set of 48 (5x7) front and back cards
this special can be used from any session at Jennifer Photography

2. Choose a Card Design
Card Name: Season's Greetings
Card Name: Script Christmas

Card Name: Ribbon Christmas

Card Name: Post Card
Card Name: Plaid
Card Name: Round Peace
Card Name: Green Snowflakes
Card Name: Green and Black Front and Back

Card Name: Girl Christmas
Card Name: Candy Cane
Card Name: Button
Card Name: Bow


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wheew! What a month!

Ok so by my really overdue blog posts you can tell how busy I've been. Here's what's been going on: Jason got home on the 11th. We had a Murphy's birthday and welcome home Jason party on the 12th. Murphy turned one on the 14th. I had a birthday on the 15th. We took a family vacation to Gatlinburg for 4 days. Jason started back to work. I started back to work. And now we finally are back in our regular routine.

My work load has doubled. I am so swamped! I can't complain though - I was thrilled to get Jason home and take some time off to be with my family. We needed some down time to get back to normal. Sometimes your vacation time off equals double time later when you get back to work.

We had a great celebration - with Jason being home and Murphy's birthday. He loved eating his cake! We had over 50 people at house for the party. So much fun, but exhausting too. Especially since we just got home the day before from picking up Jason. Here are some pictures from all the events.

Thank you for your prayers for Jason's safe return. Praise God.

Yes I made the cake myself - cake rookie - thought I did pretty good though.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Preparing for Double Celebrations

We are counting down the days till Jason comes home... less than 3 weeks away now. I can't wait to see his face and I really can't wait to see his reaction to Murphy. I know he is so ready to hold his son in his arms! I can't even imagine being away from my baby this long. I can hardly stand being away a few hours.

We are planning a family party for Jason coming home and for Murphy's first birthday. It will be a busy time, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Our family has done so much while Jason has been gone. I feel we need to have a thank you party too.

The last few weeks have been fun - we've been to Birmingham to see Laura Beth, Katy and Chris. I also met up with my old Auburn roommate Melissa and took pics of her new baby girl. We stayed at Ross Bridge (which is fabulous) and took pics there. Hotel rooms make great pics!
We went to the river shack one day and I rode my brothers wave runner...that was so much fun. I needed that - freedom on the water! Felt good to just ride away and let wind blow through my hair.
Other than that we've just been hanging out and working. Murphy is doing so much he actually took some steps on his own yesterday - about 5 or 6 with out falling. He's gonna be running before I know it! He likes to read his books, taps on each page and talks about each picture. He's been rolling a green ball around and chasing it all over the house. It's amazing how much he is doing now. He's such a good baby.... he naps well, eats well, plays well and is friendly with everyone.
I've got a lot to get done in the next few weeks...first birthday and daddy coming home are all big deals! My baby is almost a year old....can't even believe it.
Here are some updated shots of him:
Here he is playing in the hotel room at Ross Bridge.
Playing in the yard on a sunny day...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Proud Friend

I just wanted to blog on this so I wouldn't forget when it happened and how I felt:

Wow - Whoo Hooo! Josh Willingham hit two grand slams last night in one game! That's rarely done - he's actually the 13th player to have ever done this in baseball history. Ginger and Josh are good friends of mine. We went to Mars Hill, Ginger and I graduated together, and have lots of memories from our days there. They brought Rhett here to the studio for his first year pictures. I am so proud of them and all their accomplishments. Ginger especially amazes me. She lives away from her family and friends Feb - Sept with few visits home. She's also a great mom to Rhett. I admire her strength to move from here to there and go and do all that she does. Sometimes the players get a lot of recognition (and they should) but I know that Josh would agree that Ginger deserves a pat on the back too! I know with Jason just being gone for a few months and not having a husband around all the time is very exhausting. It must be hard with Josh on the road all the time. They've also had a hard summer - Jon Willingham, Josh's younger brother was killed in a car accident in June. I went to the funeral and I was so moved by all the words spoken about Jon. His family will never be the same. But we honor Jon by "doing the next right thing" and by "having joy." The Willingham's are a great example of praising God in the storm. I pray for them.

Denise, Jon, and Josh looking at pics of newborn Rhett
Uncle Jon with Rhett

Rhett at 6 months old.
As for our family, we are just counting down till Jason comes homes. Probably about 6 weeks left. He's been gone now for 3 months and we are really missing him around here. I can't wait till he gets home - I get butterflies just thinking about him getting back and seeing Murphy. He's just going to be amazed at all the things he's doing - taking some steps with my help, definitely crawling and into everything. He loves his class at church and enjoys any music. He dances or jumps when songs come on. He loves the playing with the blinds, cabinets and drawers. We shouldn't have bought any toys. Molly is learning to like him and Murphy just wants to pet her as long as she doesn't bark. He blinks his eyes everytime she barks.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's not me...

Ok, so apparently in the newspaper today there was a 29 yr old Jennifer Lynn Tidwell of Waterloo, Al charged with endangerment of her child -something about drugs... not sure. Anyway, THAT'S NOT ME. I'm sure most of you know me better than that. However her name and age are almost exact of mine. My full name is Jennifer Lynn Murphy Tidwell... and I'm 28 and I live in Killen. So, I just wanted to clear the air.

Murphy is doing great. He is 10 months old today! WOW! He's pulling up on things, a little cautious though. He's still army crawling everywhere, and boy can he get places fast. I know as soon as he walks he will run. I've been wanting to get in shape, so I think I'm about to get my chance. He has two teeth on the bottom and is saying mama and dada and some other funny sounds that I just don't know what to call them. He's the best thing and a joy in my life. Jason is missing him so much. We talk a good bit and are able to use webcams about 2 times a week. We are half way through the deployment now so I feel like I can sort of start the countdown.

We had a wonderful July 4th in Tennesse at my uncle Paul's lake house. The have an awesome house on Tims Ford Lake. Beautiful! Lots of boating, swimming and eating... and very little sleeping, but that what it's all about. We have around 25 people there each year - 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms... always makes for an interesting time. Our family looks forward to this every year. This year wasn't the same with out Jason. He loves the 4th more than anyone I know. I'm so proud of him for serving our country and sacrificing his time away from family and friends.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Just wanted to journal a little. We've been adjusting to Jason not being here. It's hard not having your partner around to help with all the little things. My mom has really been a HUGE help. I think I would have had to put my business on hold if it weren't for her. She's here at least 2 days a week and then she comes after too so I can do afternoon sessions. I also have help from my neighbor Sarahann - she comes once a week to watch Murphy and then the other times I am usually keeping him. We make it work. My Pop has been cutting the grass for us - and brother helps too. We are so blessed to have our family and friends.

We went swimming at my granny's house this week - Murphy loves the water and enjoys splashing. He wants to just go and swim all by himself. I love playing with him and taking him to do fun things, I just hate Jason is not there with us - it's bittersweet. He got his first tooth this week and there again it's so exciting to see these milestones and new changes, but it would be ten times better if Jason were here too. I've realized how much I depend on him for so many things. I really don't think I will take him for granted anymore. Be thankful for those that serve our country and miss out on their families lives.

We do get to see other from time to time on the web cams. That's a great invention. Jason gets to watch Murphy crawling around and clap his hands. It's the best thing! I'm glad they are able to see one another.

We also celebrated Misti's (my sis n law) birthday Wednesday at Ricatoni's and my brother's bday will be Monday - so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YALL!

Hope you all have a great week.