Yet again another month is here and I am just now getting around to blogging. Murphy is doing well. Getting bigger - he weighs almost 15 lbs now - which is huge for us because he started out so small and took forever to gain weight. Everyday it amazes me at how much he is learning and all the new milestones he meets. He's rolling over and gibber gabbering alot. He says momma or something that sounds like it. I have it on video if you don't believe me...haha (see video below)He loves to go strolling and his favorite cartoons are Blues Clues and Wonder Pets (to be honest I like the wonder pets just as much as he does) he laughs out loud when they are on. He also loves Moose on the Noggin channel.
This has already been a busy month. I had some new cabinets and desk built for the studio, Jason had his 30th Birthday, and my mom had a bday as well. So lots of celebrating going on here. I'm going to get those pics on here ASAP. I'm so bad about downloading pics from "little camera."
Here are some new pics. We will be taking 6 month pics next week.