Hope you all are doing well. I have some news that I wanted to share. I've actually known about this for a while, but have been hesitant to talk about it. Jason (my husband) will be leaving in May for a 5 month deployment to Iraq. We knew this would always be a possibility with him being in the military - I just wish he wouldn't have to miss the 2nd half Murphy's first year. He'll miss so much - crawling, walking, first birthday - you know all those firsts that you can't ever get back. Dads and moms all over our nation sacrifice so much to serve our nation. They miss baseball games, little league soccer, dance recitals and just simply getting to tuck their kids in bed at night. So tonight, after you've had a long day and your kids have been driving you crazy, be glad you were there to witness their life, their day, their tantrums and their smiles. We take for granted these things until they are taken from us.
Pray for our family! I have a lot of family and friends here to support me. My mom is such a big help with Murphy and I've got people that are willing to stay here with me when I need company. I believe in the power of prayer and I know God will watch over us and bring our family back together. These will be challenging months, but I have faith that it will make us stronger and more appreciative of each other.