Friday, July 25, 2008

Soon to be Daddy

Thanks J!

My husband Jason and I are really getting excited about the birth of our son. We can't believe that we only have about 2 months left then all of a sudden we'll be parents. I am so blessed that Jason will be off work for a few weeks to help me with Murphy. We've been together over 6 years so it will be change going from just us to a family, but we welcome it with open arms. Jason has been working extra hard the last few months and I really appreciate all he does for us. Being pregnant is hardest of course on the mom, but I know daddys to be have a lot on their plates as well. Jason you rock and I could not go through this with out you! I love you!

Update: I'm 31 weeks and all is well. Murphy Alan is very active and has hiccups a lot!

Pic taken of me and Jason at my cousins wedding in May - sweet!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hot Mama...

No More Outdoor....

Well I knew it was going to happen. It's supposed to reach 101 today - wow that's hot, especially for a pregnant woman. Normally this time of year I cancel appointments when it's this hot just because I worry about the client sweating throughout the entire session. However, this year I have someone else to think about as well - baby Tidwell. I went to my doctor yesterday and everything is going just fine, but we are concerned about me being out in the heat. So as of today I am not scheduling anymore outdoor sessions. If you already have an outdoor session scheduled I will keep you on the book and if something should come up we may have to reschedule, but for now I am trying to keep those appointments. I'm only going to get bigger and it's probably not going to cool off any time soon. So it's in my best interest to stop pushing myself to do the outdoor sessions. Thank you for being understanding during my pregnancy. So many of you have called and asked about me and I really appreciate your concern. I will try to keep you posted as we count down to delivery day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby "Bump" in the Road

Hey Everyone -

Just wanted to update everyone on my pregnancy. Last week (Thursday) my blood pressure became very low and I had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. Apparently I passed out and became unresponsive for about 15 minutes. It scared us all, but I'm ok now. I was admitted to Crestwood on Friday in Huntsville and several tests were run on my heart. Thank goodness all is well with me and the baby. He was fine the whole time - it was me they worried about. It was determined that I was severely dehydrated, had a sinus infection and my blood pressure bottomed out. So I am trying to drink more and rest. I've just been doing to much I guess - so I need to slow down.

Other than that episode everything else is fine. Just got to be better about hydrating myself and resting when I can. I'm sure most of you moms understand. I plan to get back to work on Wed. and see how that goes. Please be patient with me as I am trying to get caught up from being out for almost 6 days now. Call me if you have questions about orders or proofs. Hopefully I can get back on schedule by next week.

Thanks for your prayers