REUNITED....and it feels so good.
I had a great weekend. I went with my husband to his 10 year high school reunion. It was great to see old friends and see where Jason went to school. It was also my birthday on Saturday. So, it was a busy weekend out of town, but we made some great memories. Isn't that what life's all about - the memories! There are so many negative things going on in the world - sickness, war and just daily life stresses - doesn't having the good times make the living through the bad worth it? We all have bad days and even bad years, but remembering the good times and looking forward to more good times is what keeps us going from day to day. It's the small things in life that get you through the rough times. Praise God for family and friends that give you wonderful memories.
Okay, so that was a little deep for a Tuesday, but this past weekend struck a cord in me that 10 years of being out of high school have already past and before you know it another 10 will be near. So, DON'T BLINK, you might miss something. Spend time with family and friends. Don't take the little things for granted.