Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last Blog

Too much too keep up with 2 different blogs - even one blog is too much at this point. Ha. I love writing and journaling, but it's just become low on the priority list.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to contact me with any questions on the website or facebook : )

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm almost hesitant to write about this. We are under contract on our house and we have made an offer on another house!! I am so excited yet so anxious too. We just hope everything goes well with closing and all deals are final.

So what's the next step for us? Good question - planning to close ASAP and then move by the 19th of May. We will have to close shop for a couple of weeks till we can get things back in order as far as the studio is concerned. It will be hectic, chaotic, nerve racking, frustrating and just a hassle - BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!

I will try to keep you all posted on our progress! Pray for us as we transition from one place to another.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our House - for sale by owner - that's us!

Happy New Year!

Burrrr it's cold. Can someone turn up the thermostat to at least above freezing! ha! Guess we are stuck inside for a few a days. Might snow tomorrow!

Anyway, for a while now we have been going back and forth on selling our house. The problem is not the house -we love it- it's just my studio is becoming to small. I need more space for work and there's just no other option but to move if I want to work from home. And I totally want to work from home. It's makes life a little easier with a toddler at home to be close by.

So we decided to sell by owner for now and see how things go. I don't want to give a lot of info out over the web, but I will post lots of pics. It's a 3 bed, 2 bath, 2100 sq foot home. 2 Car attached garage and 1 car detached garage with 600 square foot (the studio) building that has half bath. The studio can easily be used for anything you want - man cave, hobby room, home office or guest house - endless possiblities.

Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested. I will be glad to give them all the details.