Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wheew! What a month!

Ok so by my really overdue blog posts you can tell how busy I've been. Here's what's been going on: Jason got home on the 11th. We had a Murphy's birthday and welcome home Jason party on the 12th. Murphy turned one on the 14th. I had a birthday on the 15th. We took a family vacation to Gatlinburg for 4 days. Jason started back to work. I started back to work. And now we finally are back in our regular routine.

My work load has doubled. I am so swamped! I can't complain though - I was thrilled to get Jason home and take some time off to be with my family. We needed some down time to get back to normal. Sometimes your vacation time off equals double time later when you get back to work.

We had a great celebration - with Jason being home and Murphy's birthday. He loved eating his cake! We had over 50 people at house for the party. So much fun, but exhausting too. Especially since we just got home the day before from picking up Jason. Here are some pictures from all the events.

Thank you for your prayers for Jason's safe return. Praise God.

Yes I made the cake myself - cake rookie - thought I did pretty good though.