Friday, August 29, 2008


Here are some pics from our materity session....
Thanks Jason for being a good sport and thanks Misti for helping take the pics.
View all images at - Enter site, click on proofs and enter password: jenmaternity

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ok so here's your chance to get in on some great deals! I am cleaning out the house and studio to make room for the new baby. I'll just say "I'm old school" when it comes to yard sales. I want to sell everything which means I sell cheap. I have several studio props that I am selling - chairs, ottomans, benches, etc. I am also selling clothes and home decor items.

PLEASE COME TO MY YARD SALE. It will be at our house - right next to the studio!


Monday, August 25, 2008

What was I thinking????

Ok this past weekend was absolutely exhausting. I worked on my feet all day Saturday at Mars Hill doing their senior formal pictures. Everything went just fine but I was so tired when I was done. Then on Sunday after church I photographed Show Choir students at Mars Hill for the program. I know I was getting tired because everything little thing bothered me - parents kept taking pics while I was and it was messing up my lights - so I know of one time that I had to raise my voice to them. Sorry! I'm just pregnant and hormonal and tired. When I got home last night around 5 I just sat down and cried. I hope this is normal....haha.

Anyway that was my weekend.

I was looking at my schedule over the next few weeks and I don't have a break except for the weekends. I am trying to decide what to do to alleviate some of the stress I'm feeling. I might be calling some of you to reschedule or postpone your appointment to later. I am just getting to the point where I can 't do this anymore. My body aches and I'm not sleeping at night. If I call ya just please be understanding. It's mostly my fault for thinking I could keep up my regular busy schedule up until the baby arrives....WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!?!

PROOFS - I know some of you are wondering why your proofs aren't posted yet. Misti (my assistant) was out of town for 10 days which left me doing her jobs and just put me behind. She's back now and we are trying to get caught up. Hopefully by the end of this week we will be back on track of getting those out in a timely manner
Hope you all have a nice week!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Takin Care of Business...

The one bad thing about being a photographer - it's hard to get someone else to take your picture! The blog pic is taken in our bedroom mirror with a cell phone camera.... hahaha.

Just some info I wanted to pass along....

I am now 34 weeks pregnant and it's getting harder and harder for me to take pics. Getting up and down off the floor is not easy and my back is really starting to hurt.... I need a massage! Anyway with that said I am no longer taking any more appointments. I am pretty booked right now anyway until mid September. If you are currently on the baby plan and need an appointment for a 6, 9, or 12 month session call IMMEDIATELY.

Thank you for being patient as well. I hope to be caught up as much as possible by the time Murphy Alan gets here so I won't have as much to do when coming back to work. I will be off the whole month of October with the exception of few appointments at the end of that month.

These next few weeks are going to be crazy - I think I'm getting the symptoms of nesting. We've had 2 showers and our friends have been so generous! I have a lot of organizing to do and just little details to wrap up here and there. I'll keep you all posted as much as possible!

Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and words of support and encouragement!


This is Murphy Alan's room after our shower at Sherrod Ave Church of Christ.